Stand number: 220

CREPIM is the key player for development and approval of materials covered by fire regulations. CREPIM develops, guaranties, and qualifies the fire performances of materials and assemblies for all concerned areas, featuring the mass transportation sectors (railway, aviation and maritime), as well as in the construction, electric products, and textile sectors.

The Testing division provides you with a complete set of accredited and recognized fire testing methods; to characterize the reaction to fire of your materials and assemblies.

Ours teams are fully skilled, trained and recognized to deliver to you a direct access to market:

·       For the European Railway: Fire testing according to EN 45545-2 and EN 45545-3, including seat tests.

·       For the French Railway: Fire testing according to NF F 16 101/102 and 201.

·       For the American Railway: Fire testing according to NFPA 130, including ASTM E 162 radiant panel.

·       For the Shipping industry: Fire testing according to 2012 FTP codes, including EN ISO 5658-2 radiant panel.

·       For the Bus industry: Fire testing according to R 118.

·       For Batteries – e-Mobility and static- UNECE R100, UL 2580, NF EN 62619, EN 50604-1, ISO 12405, SAE J2464.

·       More than 50 other fire test methods are available for seating, upholstery.

Get in touch!

Telephone: +33 6 85 41 50 33